Introducing Young South Sudanese Women Leaders at Global Events in 2020

Ms. Paska Nyaboth Alfred is a Youth and Women Rights Activist. She is the Advocacy Coordinator for the South Sudan Council of Churches. Ms. Nyaboth is a Co-Founder of the Organization for Responsive Governance ORG, a civil society organization keenly involved in monitoring the progress of the implementation of the R-ARCSS. Ms. Nyaboth is one of IGAD Roster of Technical Experts, a pool of individuals providing technical support to Mediators in the IGAD region with a specific focus on inclusivity in mediation processes. She is a member of FemWise-Africa of the African Union, the network of African women mediators and Peacebuilders. She is also a One Young World Ambassador, an international body that recognizes the work of youth globally. Ms. Nyaboth is a researcher, Gender, Mediation, and Conflict Transformation facilitator. She joins Women Deliver class of 2020 to advocate for gender equality, health and rights for girls and women together with 300 advocates globally for the next 2 years.

She can be reached through her email;


 Riya William Yuyada              

Education and Training: Ms. Riya is an Alumnus of 2019 Inclusive Global leadership Initiative’s 3rd Annual Summer Institute with Sie Ceneter-Siè Chèou-Kang Center for International Security and Diplomacy at the University Of Denver and the United States Institute for Peace (USIP), 2019 Peace and Social Change Fellow with the University of Columbia led by Leymah Gobwee-2011 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, 2019 European Parliament Sakharov Fellow, Intense Course on, Committee on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and women’s human Rights from the Women’s Human Rights Institute at the University of Toronto, Canada. Ms. Riya holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Development Economics from Makerere University in Kampala, Kings College Budo, St. Lawrence Citizens High School, Sir Apollo Kaggwa Primary School.

Achievements: Founder of Crown The Woman- South Sudan, Co-founder of Play For Peace South Sudan, Technical support to the South Sudan High Level Revitalization(HLRF) forum peace talks and a TedX Kakuma refugee camp 2018 speaker, Co-founder of #MamaraSakit Campaign  which means she’s not just a woman, a campaign that has been advocating against derogatory culture against women, and recently initiated a campaign #BornToLead/women at the frontlines/NuswanGidaam, which is advocating for women’s inclusion at all levels of leadership and defining peace with a feminist lens. She also writes with the African Feminism. Ms. Riya has addressed the UN General Assembly in 2018 in New York on gender and women inclusion. A member of the 10 (ten) Advisory Group (AG) to the United Nations Trust Fund (UNTF); on ending violence against women and girls. A group that is providing the UNTF on ending violence towards women and girls, its partners and relevant stakeholders with a clear vision and roadmap for the UNTF EVAW’S strategic direction and growth between 2021 and 2025.

Why vote for Ms. Riya William Yayuda, NATIONALITY: SOUTH SUDANESE                      
Ms. Riya William Yuyada is a 28-year-old South Sudanese woman who is passionate about peace and women’s human rights. She is best known for her role in peacebuilding in schools and communities and also being part of the South Sudan HLRF (High-Level Revitalization forum) peace process. Having worked as a Civic Education Officer, she recalled an experience where an elderly woman of about 80 years told her that she was too young to preach about peace because she didn’t know what had happened to them. Riya then started working with children teaching them peaceful co-existence through games. She realized that it was easier to convince a child to choose peace than an adult. She then decided to invest her energy in children through play for peace South Sudan, an initiative she co-founded that promotes peace using games.

However, with the ongoing war the situation in her country, schools are always closing and reopening which makes her work on and off and difficult. She then realized the only way to reach the children were through empowering their mothers and the girl child socially, politically and economically given the fact that women are still not given opportunities especially in education, decision making and representation hence initiating the birth of Crown The Woman-South Sudan, a women-founded and led National grassroots feminist organization that aims at addressing women’s issues to foster a future with zero tolerance for inequality, inequity, injustices and any other community vice that affect women and children, an organization she founded with 6 other young South Sudanese women in 2016.

Ms. Riya recently mobilized South Sudanese women and men to peaceful protest of an 8-year-old girl that was gang-raped, in addition to other women and girls like the 7 months’ pregnant woman that was gang-raped too, and they still struggle to fight for an end to sexual violence in South Sudan through a campaign called “WALK AGAINST RAPE IN SOUTH SUDAN.

Ms. Riya is an Alumnus of 2019 International Global leadership institute (IGLI) at the University of Denver in partnership with the US State Institute for Peace (USIP), the 2019 European Parliament Sakharov fellowship and alumna of the 2019 Venice school of human rights in Italy, the 2018 Women’s Human Rights Institute at the University of Toronto, the 2017 Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership program (IVLP) on education and women’s activism, the 2016 Young African Leadership Program, the Feminist Leadership, Movement Building, and Rights Institute East Africa, the 2015 Nobel Women’s Initiative’s Sister-to-Sister Mentorship program in Canada, a fellow of Akilidada Washa program and a 2019 fellow with the women peace and security program by the University of Columbia. Riya is a member of the African women leaders network. 



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