Rwanda: From Daniel and Jacqueline's Toxic Traditions to Marital Harmony

Daniel and Uzamukunda Jacquelin riding the bicycle together. CARE Rwanda In 1997, Muhawenimana Daniel and Uzamukunda Jacqueline embarked on a daunting journey of marriage that was extremely difficult and full of challenges that put a lot of strain on their well-being and family life. Their home environment was toxic due to harmful cultural traditions and gender norms. Daniel, influenced by societal expectations, believed he should have complete authority over all household decisions, finances, and property management. This power imbalance led to a lack of communication, and understanding, and went as far as leading Daniel into intimate partner violence. Financial mismanagement exacerbated their problems, compounded by Daniel's excessive drinking. Influenced by destructive impulses from his paternal family, he engaged in polygamous relationships, neglecting his responsibilities to provide for his family. Jacqueline was left struggling to afford basic needs such as their children...