[Press Release]: Launch of the Humanitarian Partnership Platform (HPP)

Lilongwe, September 27, 2023 – CARE International in Malawi in collaboration with the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) and ten national non-governmental organizations launches the Humanitarian Partnership Platform (HPP) which is set to champion the locally-led drive for a responsive response to humanitarian crises. The shared goal of HPP partners is to be among the first responders when help is needed the most while enabling women’s leadership in emergencies. The primary objective of this initiative is to streamline and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the locally led and gendered humanitarian response, with a strong emphasis on well-coordinated planning and execution for both response and recovery operations in line with the Grand Bargain commitments. This collaborative endeavour aims to extend its national footprint and deepen preparedness, response, and recovery operations, thereby making a substantial impact at the national, district and community levels, while primarily complementing government initiatives.

The HPP was established in 2020 and brings together eleven organizations, with CARE as the facilitating partner drawing upon CARE Malawi's extensive experience and expertise in gendered humanitarian response and, particularly through locally-led organizations, the HPP marks a pivotal advancement in the humanitarian landscape. The members of the Humanitarian Partnerships Platform include the following organisations:

  • Eagles Relief and Development
  • CADECOM Blantyre 
  • Churches Action and Relief Development (CARD)
  • Emmanuel International
  • Find Your Feet (FYF)
  • Girls Empowerment Network (GENET)
  • Women's Legal Resource Centre (WOLREC)
  • Foundation for Community and Capacity Development (FOCCAD)
  • Synod of Livingstonia Development Department (SOLDEV)
  • Circle for Integrated Community Development (CICOD)
  • CARE International in Malawi

Since its inception, HPP has actively aided the government in disaster response and recovery during Tropical Cyclone Freddy and the cholera outbreak. With support from USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), Canadian Humanitarian Assistance Fund (CHAF), Start Fund, Humanitarian Surge Fund (HSF), CARE's Emergency Response Fund, Old Mutual, and Coca-Cola, totalling $1,634,395, HPP swiftly assisted 32,001 people in Machinga, Mulanje, Phalombe, Chikwawa, Blantyre (city and rural), and Nsanje, through CARD, WOLREC, Eagles Relief, CADECOM, Emmanuel International, Find Your Feet and GENET. The Humanitarian Partnership Platform stands as a testament to the impact that can be achieved when organizations and communities unite in the face of adversity. Together, they demonstrate the power of collaboration in delivering urgent assistance to those in need.

For media inquiries and further information, please contact:

info.dodma@dodma.gov.mw, cc: chipiliroraykhamula@gmail.com, DoDMA PRO, 265999043228 tapiwa.munthali@care.org, CARE International in Malawi Communications Manager 265999588976 


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