Together, we are creating a more equal world

Families in the Chivi district of southern Zimbabwe rely on farming crops and raising animals in order to survive. Women often perform the bulk of these duties as well as looking after children and their household. Consecutive years of drought have made these tasks extremely challenging. In 2013, with your generous support, CARE started working with families to overcome nutrition and agriculture challenges. CARE teaches men and boys the importance of sharing the workload with women and girls in order to increase their crop yields, and improve their family’s resilience during lean seasons. With many hands making light work, sharing these duties also makes happier families. CARE taught Naphert (right) and Eleginia (left) to farm traditional vegetables which are well suited to the dry conditions. By working together, the couple are able to harvest enough to eat three times a day and even have surplus to sell at the market. Naphert explains: “The money w...