A Beacon of Hope: The Journey of Al Amar Community Primary School

In 2021, the Al Amarz IDP camp was a place of struggle and uncertainty for displaced families, compounded by the absence of educational opportunities for children. Families struggled to survive, and their children wandered about the camp, denied the opportunity for an education. For Headteacher Abdirizak Hassan Abdi, who himself had endured the pain of displacement, the sight of children idling in the camp instead of in classrooms was unbearable. "There was no school. No place for children to learn or even dream for a better future," he narrated. Headteacher Abdirizak Hassan Abdi-Al-amar Community School Determined to change this reality, Abdirizak joined forces with two like-minded individuals. They pooled their modest resources, borrowed where they could, and in just ten days, constructed two makeshift classrooms. The effort was a labor of love, fueled by the belief in education’s transformative power. The classrooms were simple—8x5 meter...