South Sudan: Improving Maternal Outcomes in with CARE's Boma Health Initiative

Monica, a trained Boma Health Worker, spoke to Aja, a community member, about health education. CARE South Sudan/Kenyi Evans Aja Alith is 5 months pregnant and expecting her first child. The recently married 22-year-old lives with her husband in Malual Chal, Kolyang Payam, Bor County- Jonglei State. Aja is one of the many beneficiaries of CARE’s Boma Health Initiative (BHI) Project in Bor County. The project, funded by the World Bank via UNICEF offers a Boma Health Initiative standardized package of community health services to strengthen linkages between communities and primary health facilities and improve community ownership and governance of health services. The initiative aims to improve and refocus the delivery of community health services by training capable community members to become health workers and prioritize health promotion, disease prevention, selective treatment such as malaria, pneumonia, and diarrhea, and early referral of complicated diseases and conditions. ...