Building Community Resilience and Sustainability in Zimbabwe

Florence Talakufa at her home with one of her boer goats that enabled her to grow her herd. In a lot of communities in Africa, it is near impossible for women to have a say in family affairs or own any property. In Zimbabwe, women are tasked with the responsibility of taking care of the children and home. As a result of extreme climate change that led to the decimation of pasture lands for cattle and farms, women in the communities started rising and taking charge. This is worse in Region 5 which experiences an annual rainfall of 450mm or less, severe mid-season dry spells, and frequent seasonal droughts . Florence Talakufa was one of the first female farmers to join the Zimbabwe Resilience Building Fund- Enhancing Community Resilience and Sustainability (ECRAS) project (ZRBF-ECRAS) in her village in 2017. During this time, many people in the community were bearing the brunt of intermittent dry weather conditions, that affected all matters related to farming. ...