The Menstrual Cup
My name is Diana. I am 26 years old, and I am a Congolese refugee living in Kyaka II Refugee Settlement. I participated in WoMena Uganda’s Menstrual Health Management (MHM) training in June 2019. I am now a Trainer of Trainers (ToT) on MHM in the settlement. I support adolescent girls and women in the settlement by providing them with information on MHM. I fled conflict in the DRC in 2008, at the age of 14 together with 3 members of my family. We arrived at the settlement and we were given disposable pads when being settled in Kyaka II. Since then, the distribution of necessary items hasn’t been reliable including sanitary pads. Sanitary needs to be provided on a routine basis. The disposable pads used to be distributed every 6 months, but then, it became even less, and it was difficult for girls and women in my community including myself to manage our menstrual periods. I had to use disposable pads and pieces of cloth which were very uncomfortable. When I moved long distanc...